Would you like to take your class to the theatre? There is also the possibility of the theatre coming to the school. You can book a performance at your school. We pack the set and costumes and turn your sports hall into a stage. This musical theatre production is accompanied by a folder of materials as well as an introduction to the preparation and a debriefing with the participating artists directly after the performance. You can find the dates for booking in the school on our homepage.

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based on the children's book by Britta Teckentrup
edited for the stage by Susanne Schemschies

The fox was already old. He had lived a long and happy life, and now he was tired. He lay down on his favourite spot in the snow and closed his eyes ... forever. The animals of the forest gather to remember their many shared experiences with the fox. And from their thoughts suddenly grows a magnificent tree that provides peace and protection.
A poetic story about life, death and the comforting power of our memories.

Premiere on 15 July 2021

Bookable dates to be announced.

Bookable for schools
Enquiries to

Age recommendation kindergarten / 1st grade

Dates will be communicated here and via our newsletter for schools in autumn